Monday, March 4, 2019

What is network or IP Address?

What is a Network Address?

  • This is commonly known as IP address

What is an IP Address?

  • It is a numeric address of a computer connected to the network.

IP Versions:

  1. IPv4 - IP version 4 - The standard version
  2. IPv6 - IP version 6 - The advanced version


  • An IPv4 address (dotted decimal notation)
             172          •         16          •           254          •         1                     ⬇️                ⬇️                  ⬇️               ⬇️        10101100     •     00010000   •     11111110      •   00000001❕ One byte = Eight bits
  • Binary Digits
128    64    32    16    8    4    2    1

Classes of IP Address

Class A - 1 to 126
Class B - 128 to 191
Class C - 192 to 223
Class D - 224 to 239
Class E - 240 to 255
NOTE❗ 127 - Loop back function of a network
              Class D - is for multicast
              Class E - reserved for future or experimental purposes

Creating an IP Address

  1. Right click My Network Places
  2. Click Properties
  3. Right click Local Area Connection
  4. Click Properties
  5. Click TCP/IP
  6. Click Properties
                      o Obtain an IP Address
                      o Use the following IP Address
                7. Click OK

                                     IP Configuration

  1. Click Start Button
  2. Click Run
  3. Type cmd
  4. Type ipconfig
  5. Type ping (IPaddress)
  6. Click OK

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