Wednesday, July 25, 2018

How to be a responsible Netizen?

 Help to reduce noise by not spreading unverified information on social media,espacially those that do nothing but provoke fear in the community. do not engage to cyberbullying and other internet crime,its okay to act cool in social media but not cool enough that might to lead  involved to the crimes.Image result for cyber bullying

Before sharing stories in social media, make sure to check the information can be backed up with evidence, Another important response is to check the date to make sure the post is not outdate.Reduce the noise,do not share unverified reports in social media,social media can get.

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Be mindful of what you share in a statement the public to refrain from posting on social media information that what would tend to exacerbate the situation. these  reports which is include critical information,photos,and videos of the military's response to the situation.

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